Latitude and longitude contain various information related to geo data. You can get geographic info including address from latitude & longitude coordinates. Google Geocoding API provides an easy way to get address from latitude and longitude. If you have l...

By: CodexWorld Jan 1, 2024

Post to Facebook wall is useful when you want to post dynamic content to Facebook from the website. Here we'll build a simple PHP script to publish Facebook post from the website using Facebook PHP SDK. This functionality lets the user post message, pictur...

By: CodexWorld Sep 10, 2018

A Drupal site can have three kinds of modules, Core, Contributed, and Custom. It is very difficult to find out some most useful modules from over 20,000 Drupal modules. This article provides the list of 15 most popular modules that helps to choose the righ...

By: CodexWorld Mar 21, 2016

Google Identity API lets you allow the user to login to your website with their Google account using JavaScript. You can integrate Sign In With Google Account using JavaScript client library. Google JavaScript API client helps the user to login with their ...

By: CodexWorld Jul 31, 2023

Google provides various APIs to integrate Google services in the web application. The API key/client ID/client Secret is required to access the Google APIs. Google Sign-in is one of the most used services to integrate login with Google account in the websi...

By: CodexWorld Jan 3, 2019

For pointing the exact location on Google Map it will always be a good idea to pass the latitude and longitude with Google Maps API. In this article, you'll know how to get latitude and longitude from address using Google Maps API in PHP. Use our getLatLon...

By: CodexWorld Nov 10, 2023

Sending your WordPress website users to the default login page is fine when you're running a site with just a handful of users. But, in case you're running a membership site or other sites with large user base, making users access their profile page in the...

By: Sophia Phillips Mar 8, 2016

Custom URL helper function helps you to define a custom URL and get this URL in the whole project. This article shows the simple way to define a custom URL and getting the respective URL from custom URL function. Here we'll define the public URL (where all...

By: CodexWorld Mar 4, 2016

There are so many free and easy-to-implement services out there. But all those social sharing plugins are used lot of JavaScript which is increase page load time. So, if you want to customize social sharing button as per your project theme and load page fa...

By: CodexWorld Jan 24, 2024

Localhost is used as a development server to develop a web application. If the web application is built with PHP, the mail() function is used to send email from the script using PHP. But PHP mail() function will not work at the localhost. The PHPMailer lib...

By: CodexWorld Aug 3, 2022

In this article, we'll show you a small JavaScript snippet for displaying a confirmation dialog box at the time of closing the tab or browser. It is very helpful for both the user and website. Using JavaScript onbeforeunload event, you can easily show a co...

By: CodexWorld Apr 22, 2016