How to JOIN Multiple Tables in DataTables Server-side Processing using PHP

DataTables server-side processing is used to fetch data from the database and list them in a tabular view. In most cases, the single database table is used in DataTables with server-side processing. The SSP class (ssp.class.php) gives you the possibility to JOIN multiple tables with DataTables server-side processing. You can apply the LEFT or INNER JOIN clause to the SQL query in server-side processing. In this tutorial, we will show you how to JOIN multiple tables with server-side processing in DataTables using PHP.

In the following example code snippet, we will add LEFT JOIN query to join 2 database tables in DataTables server-side processing using PHP.

  1. Edit the ssp.class.php file and replace all instances of FROM `$table` with FROM $table to remove backticks.
  2. Define sub-query with JOIN or any other clauses in the $table variable.

// Database connection info 
$dbDetails = array( 
'host' => 'localhost'
'user' => 'root'
'pass' => 'root'
'db'   => 'codexworld_db' 
$table = <<<EOT
    FROM members M
    LEFT JOIN locations L ON L.member_id =
 ) temp

$primaryKey 'id'
$columns = array( 
'db' => 'id',    'dt' => ), 
'db' => 'name',  'dt' => ), 
'db' => 'email''dt' => ), 
'db' => 'country','dt' => )
// Include SQL query processing class 
require 'ssp.class.php'
// Output data as json format 
echo json_encode


Here we have used LEFT JOIN to join 2 tables, you can use query for multiple tables including any complex SQL query.

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