Are you want to calculate the difference between two dates in PHP? There are a simple way to get the number of days between two dates in PHP. Use date_create() and date_diff() function to get number of days between two dates in PHP.

By: CodexWorld Apr 18, 2017

The GD library is required to create and manipulate images in PHP. You need to enable GD library support for working with image functions in PHP. Here we’ll show you how to install GD library in PHP on Windows server. Follow the step-by-step instruction to install PHP GD library in XAMPP or WAMP server.

By: CodexWorld Nov 1, 2023

PHP array_filter() function filters elements of an array using a callback function and returns the filtered array. Here we’ll provide a short PHP code snippets to filter elements of an array that contain a specific value. It will help you to filter an array based on particular condition.

By: CodexWorld Jan 4, 2023

Some web applications are needed to show the age of the user. In that case, you need to calculate the user age from date of birth. Use date(), date_create(), and date_diff() functions to calculate age from date of birth in PHP.

By: CodexWorld Sep 5, 2016

Parse domain name from URL is used in many cases in the web project. In this short tutorial, we’ll provide a simple code snippet to get domain name from URL in PHP. Using our example script, you’ll be able to extract only the domain name from any type of URL.

By: CodexWorld Jul 11, 2016

Validating a URL at the time of receive user input by form is very important. Here we’ll provide the simple PHP code to validate a URL in PHP. Using filter_var() function with FILTER_VALIDATE_URL Filter, we can easily validates a URL in PHP.

By: CodexWorld May 26, 2016

Here we’ll provide the simplest way to add days, minutes, hours and seconds to time using PHP. In PHP, using date() and strtotime() function you can easily increase or decrease time.

By: CodexWorld Aug 3, 2023

When you are working with multiple files upload in PHP, it is necessary to increase the files upload limit. If you want to upload more than 20 files, you should need to modify the max_file_uploads variable value in php.ini file.

By: CodexWorld Feb 8, 2016

Are you concerned about the profile picture size? at the time of implementing login with facebook in PHP. We’ll show you the simple way to get large size profile picture in Facebook PHP SDK.

By: CodexWorld Jan 5, 2016