DataTables server-side processing is used to fetch data from the database and list them in a tabular view. In most cases, the single database table is used in DataTables with server-side processing. The SSP class gives you the possibility to JOIN multiple tables with DataTables server-side processing. You can apply the LEFT or INNER JOIN clause to the SQL query in server-side processing.

By: CodexWorld Mar 9, 2024

There are various options available to get the content from the URL in PHP. You can get the file content from a remote URL using PHP. PHP file_get_contents() function is the easiest way to parse the content from a web URL. To use the file_get_contents() function, the allow_url_fopen directive must be enabled in the PHP configuration file (php.ini).

By: CodexWorld Oct 31, 2023

In general, we use the date() function to get date and time in PHP. It returns the time based on the timezone set in the PHP server. You can get the DateTime from the timezone set as default on the PHP configuration. In this example code, we will show you how to get the current time by given a timezone in PHP. You can get and display the current Date and Time from a specific timezone using PHP.

By: CodexWorld Oct 2, 2023

Saving dynamic page content in a static HTML file functionality is used for many purposes, page caching system is one of them. In the caching system, the dynamic data is stored in an HTML file and displays the content from the HTML file to make the page load faster. In this example code snippet, we will show you how to save output of a PHP file in an HTML file and store dynamic page content in an HTML file using PHP.

By: CodexWorld Aug 30, 2023

String encryption functionality is used to make sensitive information safe in the web application. With the encryption feature, the original string is encrypted with Salt/Key and stored. Later the encrypted string is decrypted by the Salt/Key that is used at the time of encryption. The encryption and decryption algorithm can be implemented with a salt key using PHP.

By: CodexWorld May 19, 2023

The default image is used as a profile picture when a user signs up on the website. This default image is displayed as a profile picture until the user changes their profile picture. Generally, the same image is used as a default profile picture for all users. If you want to separate the default image for each user, it needs to be changed dynamically. In this code snippet, we will show you how to create a default profile image dynamically from the first and last names in PHP.

By: CodexWorld Oct 26, 2022

Use array_unique() function to remove duplicate values from an array in PHP. You can remove duplicate values with case/space insensitively from an array using PHP array_map() function. Remove space from all strings in an array using the trim callback method with the array_map() function. Convert array values to lowercase using the strtolower callback method with the array_map() function.

By: CodexWorld Sep 19, 2022

Use the diff() method of the DateTime class to create a DateInterval object that calculates the difference between two date/time objects in time using PHP. The PHP strtotime() function can be used to get the time difference between two dates (DateTimes) in minutes. example code snippet helps to you get the difference in minutes between two dates with PHP.

By: CodexWorld Apr 15, 2023

The Microsoft SQL Server Drivers for PHP allow you to integrate and connect with the SQL server in the PHP applications. Follow the step-by-step guide to install SQL server PHP driver in PHP and enable PDO support for PHP. Download SQL Server Driver for PHP and place the dll library file in the PHP extension directory.

By: CodexWorld Apr 8, 2022