Geolocation provides information about the geographic location of a user. Specifically, the IP address is used by the geolocation service to determine the location. To track the visitor's location, the first thing needed is an IP address. Based on the IP a...

By: CodexWorld Aug 13, 2021

The Geolocation API API allows the developer to get the location information from the IP address and track the visitors in the web application. It returns realtime geolocation data based on the IP address specified in the API URL. The Geolocation API is ve...

By: CodexWorld May 10, 2021

The autocomplete feature is very useful for the location search input field. It helps to select a proper location without typing the entire address. The autocomplete functionality can be easily added to the input field for text-based geographic location se...

By: CodexWorld Sep 8, 2022

Many times you need to track the visitor’s geographical information in your web project requirement. Tracking the visitor's location can be done by many ways. The HTML5 Geolocation API helps to get geographical location of a user. You can locate the visi...

By: CodexWorld Nov 13, 2022