The order of an array elements can sort by key using foreach() loop, but it will be a complicated process, and execution time is high. PHP array_multisort() function provides an easy way to sort a multidimensional array by key value. Use array_column() and array_multisort() function to sort multi-dimensional arrays by key in PHP.

By: CodexWorld Mar 25, 2022

The string used for an API key or token should be unique and secure. PHP random_bytes() function generates pseudo-random bytes that are cryptographically secure. Use random_bytes() and bin2hex() function to generate unique and strong API keys in PHP. Example code to create a random and secure string with PHP which is useful for API key/token.

By: CodexWorld Mar 14, 2022

The GROUP BY statement group records by the same value and returns filtered records. The SUM() is an aggregate function used by the GROUP BY statement. The GROUP BY and SUM operations can be integrated into the data list at the code level in PHP. Use the PHP array_reduce() function to GROUP BY and SUM value of an array in PHP.

By: CodexWorld Mar 10, 2022

Add to Calendar link allow to add an event to the calendar with prefilled info. The event details are prefilled based on the info given in the HTML link. Mostly, the Add to Calendar link is used in the email or web page to redirect users directly to the calendar. Build an HTML link to add events to Google, Outlook, Office 365, and Apple Mail calendar.

By: CodexWorld Mar 3, 2022

The JavaScript setTimeout() method sets a timer to execute a function or specific code after a predefined time. If you want to refresh the page automatically after some specific time, the setTimeout() method is useful to do it in JavaScript. The location.reload() method helps to reload the current URL. Use these methods together to reload the page after 5 seconds using JavaScript.

By: CodexWorld Oct 2, 2023

PHP usort() function provides an easy way to sort an array by values. The usort() method can be used to sort an associative array by specific key-value using PHP. Use PHP usort() function to sort associative array by specific key-value in PHP. This example shows how to sort a multi-dimensional array by data value in ascending order with PHP.

By: CodexWorld Feb 28, 2022

The special characters should be removed from the filename and URL to make it safe. When a web application creates a file and dynamic URL, it is convenient to use only characters and numbers to avoid portability issues. You can sanitize the string before assigning it for filename or URL slug. Use preg_replace() to clean up filename string to make URL safe in PHP.

By: CodexWorld Feb 25, 2022

Base URL is used to create internal web page links dynamically in the website. You can get the base URL from the full URL string using PHP. The parse_url() function helps to parse components from URL in PHP. The base URL can be retrieved from string using PHP parse_url() function. Use parse_url() function to get base URL from full URL string in PHP.

By: CodexWorld Feb 24, 2022

PHP array_filter() function is the best alternative to filter array by specific condition (key=value). You can use the array_filter() function to filter multidimensional array by date range using PHP. Use array_filter() and strtotime() function to filter multidimensional array by specific date in PHP.

By: CodexWorld Feb 26, 2022