Page loader is an effective element on the web page that display and is visible to the user while the page is loading. When a web page is taking a long time to load, the loader animation creates a visual representation to help users to understand that the page is loading and will be available soon. Create loader animation (with an image or text content) and display loader DIV until the web page has finished loading on the browser using HTML and CSS

By: CodexWorld Mar 15, 2023

Loading gif on the image slider is very useful to make it user-friendly. If the slider image size is large, the loading image is a must-have element. Loader gif notifies that the image is loading from the server with an animation. If you are using jQuery slick carousel to add slider in HTML, the loading gif image can be a useful feature to make the slider user-friendly. You can add a loader on the slider to display gif images when the slider images are loading from the server.

By: CodexWorld Jan 14, 2023

The default image is used as a profile picture when a user signs up on the website. This default image is displayed as a profile picture until the user changes their profile picture. Generally, the same image is used as a default profile picture for all users. If you want to separate the default image for each user, it needs to be changed dynamically. In this code snippet, we will show you how to create a default profile image dynamically from the first and last names in PHP.

By: CodexWorld Oct 26, 2022

Use array_unique() function to remove duplicate values from an array in PHP. You can remove duplicate values with case/space insensitively from an array using PHP array_map() function. Remove space from all strings in an array using the trim callback method with the array_map() function. Convert array values to lowercase using the strtolower callback method with the array_map() function.

By: CodexWorld Sep 19, 2022

jQuery UI Slider plugin provides an easy way to convert an HTML element into a slider. The user can select a numeric value with jQuery UI slider handle. The value can be selected by dragging the slider handle or moving the mouse or arrow keys. There are various options are available to integrate single or range sliders using jQuery UI. We can set custom step values in jQuery UI Slider and make dynamic steps.

By: CodexWorld Sep 14, 2022

When a text input field is used to attach a datepicker, the user can clear the selected value in the input field. But, if a non-editable HTML element or read-only input field is used, the selected datepicker value is not possible to clear manually. Use the onClose event of the datepicker() object to add a reset button in jQuery UI datepicker and clear the selected value.

By: CodexWorld Nov 10, 2022

Generally, the HTML form is submitted to the script URL specified in the action attribute of the form tag. You can also handle the form submission process using jQuery. The jQuery submit() method is very useful to handle the form submission process. In this example code snippet, we will show you how to submit an HTML form via Ajax using jQuery.

By: CodexWorld Apr 20, 2022

Use the diff() method of the DateTime class to create a DateInterval object that calculates the difference between two date/time objects in time using PHP. The PHP strtotime() function can be used to get the time difference between two dates (DateTimes) in minutes. example code snippet helps to you get the difference in minutes between two dates with PHP.

By: CodexWorld Apr 15, 2023

The Microsoft SQL Server Drivers for PHP allow you to integrate and connect with the SQL server in the PHP applications. Follow the step-by-step guide to install SQL server PHP driver in PHP and enable PDO support for PHP. Download SQL Server Driver for PHP and place the dll library file in the PHP extension directory.

By: CodexWorld Apr 8, 2022