Import and Export feature is very useful for the data management section. The Import functionality allows the user to upload and insert multiple data in the database. The export functionality allows the user to download the table data list and save in a fi...

By: CodexWorld Feb 19, 2019

Import feature helps to insert bulk data at once instead of one by one and reduce the time for inserting data in the database. Mostly, the CSV file format is used to import data. Import functionality makes it easy to insert a bunch of data in the database ...

By: CodexWorld Feb 14, 2019

CSV (comma-separated values) is the most popular file format to store data in plain text for offline uses. Generally, a CSV file is used to import and export data for moving data between programs. Import and export data is the most used feature in the web ...

By: CodexWorld Apr 25, 2024

A CSV file stores the tabular data in plain text format. Each line of the CSV file is a data record that consists of one or more fields. Bulk Import is a very useful feature to add multiple records in the database without insert manually. Using the CSV fil...

By: CodexWorld Mar 19, 2021