The Facebook OAuth functionality in the web application can be tested with Development mode. You can use Facebook App in development mode to check the OAuth functionality before making the Facebook login live for production. Go to the Roles => Test Users page and create a new user with the required permissions.

By: CodexWorld Aug 28, 2019

Instagram Application is used for many purposes, commonly is used to authenticate with the Instagram account. To implement Login with Instagram on the web application, you need to register an application in the Instagram Developer panel. You will get the Client ID from Instagram App, it will be required for authenticating your web application with Instagram.

By: CodexWorld May 1, 2018

Sometimes needs to change the URL structure for SEO or other purposes. In that case, the old URL shows 404 error which is very confusing for the website’s visitor. To avoid this situation, you can redirect the old page (non-existing) request to new page URL by the .htaccess file.

By: CodexWorld Sep 19, 2017

At the time of working with Ajax in the web application, request monitoring is very useful. Monitoring Ajax requests on browser makes easy to debug Ajax call. This short guide will help you to see ajax requests and monitor ajax calls in Google Chrome.

By: CodexWorld Jan 18, 2017