QR code or Quick-Response code is machine-readable code consisting of squares arranged in square grid format. QR code is typically used to store information that can be readable by an imaging device. QR codes may be used for various purposes, like displayi...

By: CodexWorld Nov 6, 2023

Google reCAPTCHA is designed to protect websites from spam and abuse. It helps to integrate CAPTCHA functionality into the web page without any hassle. You can add Google reCAPTCHA in HTML form and verify the submission using PHP. The Google reCAPTCHA can ...

By: CodexWorld Sep 29, 2023

DataTables JavaScript library is a quick and powerful way to build an HTML table with advanced features. It helps to make the HTML table interactive and user-friendly with a data list. We can easily add an HTML table on the web page to list the data in tab...

By: CodexWorld Mar 9, 2024

The event calendar lists the events date-wise in a large calendar view. The events are fetched dynamically and listed under the date cell. An event calendar makes it easier to find the events for a specific date. FullCalendar is a JavaScript library that h...

By: CodexWorld Jan 3, 2023

CRUD operations in the web application are used to manage data dynamically. Generally, the data is stored and manipulated in the database. There is also an alternative way to perform CRUD operations without a database. If you have any limitations with the ...

By: CodexWorld Mar 1, 2022

Google Drive is a cloud storage engine that allows users to store and share files efficiently. The files are synchronized across devices and can be accessed from anywhere. Google drive makes document management easy without any personal storage. You can al...

By: CodexWorld Jan 20, 2022

When a PDF file is embedded on the web page, the PDF content is not rendered on the web page, it causes a negative impact on SEO. To overcome this issue, you can extract the text content from PDF and include it on the web page. PDF Parser library is very h...

By: CodexWorld Nov 11, 2021

The Stripe Plans and Subscription API allows you to integrate recurring payment functionality in a quick and effective manner. Stripe Subscription is the powerful option to allow your website's members to purchase/subscribe membership online using their cr...

By: CodexWorld Aug 27, 2020

DataTables jQuery plugin provides a quick and easy way to display data list in tabular format on the web page. Using the DataTables server-side processing, you can fetch the data dynamically from the database and list them in an HTML table with search, sor...

By: CodexWorld Aug 29, 2022