Full Screen Control feature helps to view maps in full-screen mode. The full-screen control button is placed at the corner of the map, it allows you to go full-screen or exit full-screen. There are some third-party plugins available to extend OpenStreetMap functionality with Leaflet. Use the leaflet.fullscreen plugin to add full screen control in OpenStreetMap with Leaflet using JavaScript.

By: CodexWorld Mar 29, 2024

Open Street Map provides a marker icon by default. You can change the default marker icon image and customize the icon size in OpenStreetMap. Customizing the marker icon helps to match the OpenStreetMap with the website UI. This guide will show you how to customize the OpenStreetMap marker icon using JavaScript.

By: CodexWorld Mar 26, 2024

DataTables server-side processing is used to fetch data from the database and list them in a tabular view. In most cases, the single database table is used in DataTables with server-side processing. The SSP class gives you the possibility to JOIN multiple tables with DataTables server-side processing. You can apply the LEFT or INNER JOIN clause to the SQL query in server-side processing.

By: CodexWorld Mar 9, 2024

There are various options available to get the content from the URL in PHP. You can get the file content from a remote URL using PHP. PHP file_get_contents() function is the easiest way to parse the content from a web URL. To use the file_get_contents() function, the allow_url_fopen directive must be enabled in the PHP configuration file (php.ini).

By: CodexWorld Oct 31, 2023

The javascript:void(0); attribute is used in the anchor tag for empty links. It helps to prevent the default behavior of href links. But, JavaScript Void 0 may not work well for some JS frameworks (Angular, Backbone.js, etc) and SPA sites. Also, the content security policy (CSP) does not support javascript:void(0) in the application. Use the “#!” in the href attribute of the <a> tag for empty links.

By: CodexWorld Oct 25, 2023

In general, we use the date() function to get date and time in PHP. It returns the time based on the timezone set in the PHP server. You can get the DateTime from the timezone set as default on the PHP configuration. In this example code, we will show you how to get the current time by given a timezone in PHP. You can get and display the current Date and Time from a specific timezone using PHP.

By: CodexWorld Oct 2, 2023

Saving dynamic page content in a static HTML file functionality is used for many purposes, page caching system is one of them. In the caching system, the dynamic data is stored in an HTML file and displays the content from the HTML file to make the page load faster. In this example code snippet, we will show you how to save output of a PHP file in an HTML file and store dynamic page content in an HTML file using PHP.

By: CodexWorld Aug 30, 2023

The window.print() method is the easiest solution to print HTML content in JavaScript. The Window print() method opens the browser’s default print dialog to print the current document. You can use this method to print dynamic HTML content using JavaScript. By default, the page orientation is set to portrait in the print dialog. You can change page orientation in the print dialog by adding CSS to the document header.

By: CodexWorld Aug 16, 2023

Whenever a form is submitted or completed a task, the status message is displayed on the web page. It will be a great idea to hide the message DIV after some seconds automatically from the element. Use fadeTo() method to hide DIV element after some time interval using jQuery. Not only DIV element, you can autohide any HTML element after few seconds in jQuery.

By: CodexWorld Aug 2, 2023