The PayPal Sandbox account is used by the developer to test the payment process before making the PayPal payment gateway live for production use. The NVP/SOAP API Credentials are required to test the PayPal Payments Pro transaction on the Sandbox environment. In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a PayPal Pro sandbox business account and get NVP/SOAP Sandbox API Credentials.

By: CodexWorld Mar 16, 2023

After payment, the buyer needs to redirect to success page of the merchant website. In that page, payment data with status should be shown to the buyers. To redirecting buyer with payment data automatically, some configuration is needed on the PayPal business account.

By: CodexWorld Sep 12, 2019

PayPal IPN is a notification service that used to notifies merchants about the PayPal transaction. Many times you encounter the problems that PayPal IPN (Notify URL) is not working for sandbox account. To solving this problem you needs to edit Instant Payment Notification setting in your sandbox account.

By: CodexWorld Dec 11, 2015

Generally, PayPal is not automatically redirected to the seller’s website after the payment. The buyer needs to click on a link to redirect back to the website. If you want to redirect the buyer automatically and attach the transaction information after payment on PayPal, some configurations are required on the PayPal business account.

By: CodexWorld Feb 24, 2021